Pump Gear Set - Inner Gear

This is the converter side of the inner gear.

Note the exit path of the bending converter tangs.

There is also a build up of material on the inner edge of the bottom portion. Perhaps this was caused by the tangs running against the un-turning gear?

Note also the pattern in the inner gear where the bushing should be.

A close up of the exit path.

There is a clear wear pattern where the gear ran against the pump body. Is this a normal pattern or is it excessive? The pump body surface this runs against shows some excessive wear which is shown on a later page.

Note the inner surface where the gear bushing was pressed into. Does this surface indicate that the bushing exited gradually or did it exit all at once?

Wear Plate side of inner gear showing clear excessive wear and heat discoloration.


Sleeve Report

Exit area and build up at other slot of inner gear